1. Communication and feedback
- Jo has regularly been e-mailing members with feedback survey monkeys for the therapy presentations including Claire Connor, Jo Gibson and Jill Thomas.
- They have welcomed this feedback and several of their presentations have been put onto the website. Excellent feedback received from the presenters about the evenings e.g. Jill Thomas.
- Jo has recently e-mailed the therapy members specifically about feedback from the BAR therapy protocol, to encourage therapy case studies and for suggestions on future therapy speakers/ topics.
- In the future the hope is to set up member profiles for members of the group if they wish. The suggestion would be that this would be in the members section in order to access members with certain expertise for advice or support or to see what members have been involved in research.
2. Presentations
- Jill Thomas: Rehabilitation of elbow instability.
- Jo Gibson: working with the BESS president.
- Ellie Richardson: BAR rehabilitation proposal.
3. Complex pain evening
- We looked into the feasibility of a complex pain evening at Wrightington, but this did not materialise due to logistics (Time of hire).
- We hope to hold this evening October this year at Haydock.
- Proposed Guest speakers:
- Dr Adul Lalken (Salford). Neurophysiology theory of pain.
- Sharon & Fiona Gillespie (Liverpool). Assessment & Practical management of upper limb complex pain pathology.
- Anthony: Functional MRI findings related to pain pathology in the upper limb.
- Tamara Pincus/ Zara Hansen / Walton speaker: The psychology of pain.
4. Research
Continue to support Helen Thompson in her proposal for adhesive capsulitis and hydrodilatation.
5. Future presentations/evenings
- Martin Scott May meeting.
- Sports related upper Limb evening: Ian Horsley guest speaker/ Surgeon speaker? Cathryn Woodall (Jockeys)
- Bruno – Presentation of final masters study findings of immobilisation post shoulder surgery.
- Tanya Mckensie? Research related topic.
6. Suggestions for Replacement of AG on Committee
- Andrew wishes to step down from his NWULG commitments due to personal reasons.
- Suggestions for replacements?